Friday, August 8, 2008

I have a bad memory . It's difficult to memorize to name and face so when I meet friends I always say their name.
For example when I meet my friends in class room I say hi,Naomi hi, ooo hi ooo .

I have had remembering big events like went to New Zealand ,my birthday, and the time of I came to Canada the first day.

but even I heared my friends date of birthday many times I forget it soon.
I useally forget that not important things for me.

When I retain some new bocabilary words I write it down a notebook or my hand. And then takling a shower I practice to pronunciation. It's my style to mamorize.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm wondering if the teachers know where bullying happens.
Usually bullying takes place where are no teachers.
So teachers don't realize what happens with students.
Even teachers know bullying in a their class they don't know how to treat students.

I think they should improve their skills.
They should know hot to treat students.
Studens need teacher's help.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rush Hour 3

Rush Hour 3 is an action movie. I like it because it's really fascinating!!

Jackie Chan ,Crist Tucker and Japanese actors acted in this movie. They are distinguished actors. Four different languages , French, Chinese, Japanese and English are spoken in this movie and they filmed in four different countries.

It was a world hit. This time they must travel to Paris to battle a wing of the Chinese organized crime family. Lee(Jackie Chan) holds secret meetings with a USA authority but his personal struggles with Chinese criminal mastermind named Kenji which reveals that it's Lee's long They fight to outrun the world's most deadly criminals and save the day.
When you watch it you will laugh a lot and you will want to watch it again.

So I recommend it to people who are stressed out.

They will be happier.